Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Great Hyatt Fiasco

I have come to the conclusion that we are not meant to ever stay at the Grand Hyatt Kauai. Our friend Mike gave us 2 gift certificates for overnight stays at the Hotel and we were so looking forward to it. We tried once in December to go, but it was the weekend that stormed and we would have been stuck in the room with 3 obnoxious boys. So, we decided this was the weekend, January 23-25, 2009. A friend of ours got us a killer room, Ocean View Suite, with access to the Grand Club, spa, etc. The Executive Chef sent up pupus with champagne and a personal note telling us to call his cell phone if we needed reservations.

Sounds like the weekend of the century. . . until the kids showed up today (as planned) and we tried to get wrist bands for the slide. Only 4 people are allowed per room (even if you have a suite and 3 of the 5 people are children!!). They refused to let us use anymore of the facilities unless we paid for a day room which would be $199. Ahhhh, I don't think so! Bruce tried to talk to the front desk manager but he refused. I could see if the hotel was a maximum capacity, but there was hardly anyone in the hotel at all. Apparently there is some new rule about a maximum of 4 people per room. . . period! So what do these people do who have more than 2 children and want to stay at the Hyatt? Anyway, we decided to check out and come home. What else were supposed to do? At least the kids all got to go down the slide once (Nick went down about 6 times).

The part that irritates me the most is my girlfriend just told me that they go there all the time and get tons of wristbands for the pool and no one has ever questioned them.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The 44th President of the United States

I am watching the innaguaration of Barack Obama and I am utterly amazed at the amount of people who have attended in the freezing cold. I almost feel sorry for the guy (notice I said "almost"), the pressure on him must be incredible. Everyone (well not everyone) expects him to do GREAT things and solve all the problems and crisis' of the United States. I don't care what you think about him, that has to be tough. People expect great things from him, and they seem to forget that he is just a regular man. From what I have seen and heard these past few days he has just about reached god-like status. Scary!! Good Luck Barry. . . you're gonna need it!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I've Succumbed to the Pressure!

I have finally just given in an decided to start a Herbig Family Blog. My cousin Dawn and my sister Elki both have one and have told me I should start one too. I guess they think I have lots to say. . . hmmmm. . . . I never was much a "journaler" (is that a word), but I do like to talk. Maybe they are saying I talk too much and they figure if I write stuff down then maybe I'll talk less. Doubtful.

Anyway, the Kauai Herbig Family has 1 mom or Queen (ME!!) and 1 dad or King (Bruce) and 3 little (well not so little anymore) serfs (Jake 12, Nate 10, and Nick 7). We live on the Taba Compound with lots of grandmas, papas, aunties, uncles and cousins. There is always someone to play with (for the serfs) or shop with (for Robyn) and lots and lots of food!!